How the Open Learning School pedagogy works in practice

November 23, 2021

It is possible to learn more and better, without classes, classes and tests.

We have divided the practical explanation of how it all works into 4 areas:

  1. How we organize
  2. What is our pedagogical proposal
  3. How we evaluate
  4. Education Model


Organization at Open Learning School

The organization of work at the Open Learning School is based on the relationships between all those involved in the learning process. Only in this way can we help your child learn to be, to be, to know and to act.

At Open Learning School, we prioritize the transition from dependence to autonomy. Children, of all ages and levels of learning, occupy the same spaces and learn together.

Tutors accompany each child’s process, guiding them in the preparation of Learning Project Planning, study guides, organization, study practice and day planning.

The Project Centers begin the pedagogical organization of the work of tutors and children, being units of learning and personal and social development.

Projects are divided into 4 phases

  1. Initiation Stage I
  2. Initiation Stage II
  3. Development
  4. Deepening

Initiation Stage I

Playful learning situations, new ways of relating to the world, new possibilities to read and formulate hypotheses about the phenomena, to test them, to refute them, to draw conclusions, in an active attitude in the construction of knowledge, guaranteeing the development of competences and abilities described in the BNCC, as well as the competences and the learning of attitudes consistent with the project, taking into account the action of the family and the community.


Initiation Stage II

Learning situations are developed, articulating the experiences lived in Early Childhood Education with new forms of relationship with the world, new possibilities, new conclusions. In the first two years of Elementary School, the pedagogical action focuses on literacy, so that students take ownership of the alphabetic writing system in an articulated way, the development of other reading and writing skills, and their involvement in diversified practices. of literacies.



Students will be guaranteed the progression of knowledge by improving previous learning and by expanding language practices and cultural diversity, considering both their interests and expectations as well as what they already know and what they still need to learn.



Intellectual autonomy, understanding of norms and interests in social life are expanded, which will allow your child to improve their relationship with others, with nature, with history, with culture, with technologies and with the environment. .

The work proposals with the students use the project work methodology. In this sense, the definition of the objective curriculum is dynamic and requires constant adaptation by the team of educators, so that it is possible to facilitate resources and materials in the acquisition of knowledge and in the development of essential competences.


How do we monitor children’s work?

Your child’s learning path, the evaluation of their work, as well as the most relevant documents produced by them, will be included in their individual file.

This document will show his evolution in the different dimensions of his school career. Your child’s work is permanently supervised by an educator, who is assigned the role of tutor. The tutor assumes a mediating role between family/society and the school. You can schedule a meeting with the tutor at any time and the tutor will periodically schedule a meeting with the family to inform you about your child’s learning.


What are the learning spaces?

There are no classrooms here. Learning happens anytime and anywhere.

The excellent conditions of spaces, structures, means and pedagogical relationships make it possible to provide an experience that does not stop at disciplines and textbooks, allowing them to learn through research that gives meaning to children’s doubts.

The Open learning School units have several spaces that aim to also be platforms for learning and creativity. From an auditorium, a room for physical and musical activities, dressing room, study rooms, kitchen, pantries, cafeteria, library, scientific and artistic experiments room, meeting room, secretary, board, break room, balcony and outdoor area with nature.

In addition to the School spaces, the Open Learning School uses other areas of learning, such as:

  1. Public facilities close to the School, which allow the incorporation of children’s knowledge into local knowledge, thus experimenting with other ways of learning.
  2. Cultural, socio-environmental and sports facilities around the school will serve as learning points and activities for the construction of a Learning Community prototype.

The definition of educational practices to be developed in these spaces will also be available to all those who wish to rethink the role of the school institution in society.

The conclusion is clear: there is a clear, strong and better alternative to learning compared to the way education is structured today.

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