Frequently Asked Questions

Open Learning Connect

1. What is Open Learning Connect?

It is defined by a School that allows all children to learn how to learn, reach their maximum potential and be happy, wherever they are. Through the pedagogy of Open Learning, one of the most innovative education models in the world and which allows children and young people to maximize their capabilities and learn according to their interests, and Google For Education, it is possible for these methods to be applied from anywhere.

Licensed tutors, national and international located in various parts of the world with experience in Open Learning methodology, from Escola Aberta de São Paulo, Projeto Âncora and Escola da Ponte in Portugal. We also count on the pedagogical support of the founders and coordinators José Pacheco, Edilene Morikawa, Mónica Antunes and Luciano Araujo, Pedagogical Coordinator of Open Learning Connect.

The tutorials focus on the individual curiosity of the students. As such, each student will have contact with different content and research according to his or her tastes, dreams, and ambitions, thus enabling learning of critical and fundamental elements of the national and international curriculum based on the tastes of the young person.

In our open learning model, there is no formal class structure or division into grades and classes. Knowledge is generated individually or in groups, using varied resources such as books, grammar books, videos, computers, and much more!

The National and International Curriculum is the learning reference, but each student builds his or her own study plan based on his interests and needs. Every day, the child reflects together with the tutor on what he or she has assimilated and receives new orientations for the continuity of his learning process

Learning takes place through projects of interest to the children. Those who like music can literally build and play a flute. This way, they will learn math, physics, geometry, and even foreign languages!

A study plan is developed together with the tutor, who closely follows and guides the learning evolution, not limiting him or herself to the contents required in the Curriculum.

Our children will be faced with unlimited learning possibilities. This way, they develop much faster, in a light, interesting and motivating way. They develop enthusiastically and, above all, happily.

  • Increased autonomy
  • Learning through projects that build on your interests and passions
  • Personal and social development
  • Integration into a community of learning projects, generating core competencies
  • Stimulating their creativity
  • Promoting dialogue and teamwork
  • Valuing their personal and social culture
  • Close and permanent accompaniment of the family
  • Respect for their learning pace
  • Flexibility in learning, always with a sense of responsibility
  • Maximizing their potential
  • Access to a worldwide network of children and young people who, like him or her, study in a remote model, thus allowing your child to get to know and interact with other cultures.
  • Access to international certification that allows access to universities around the world
  • Exclusive weekly sessions with the tutor
  • Access to all learning records
  • Participation in the activities and projects developed
  • Open Learning training for virtual learning to be continued at home

Yes. Open Learning Connect has a worldwide education expansion, allowing your child to be with other children from all corners of the world, promoting respect for other cultures, and languages while developing team projects, thus maintaining the essence of collaborative work.

Open Learning Connect is ideal for:

  • Traveling families
  • Students Living in Multiple Locations
  • High Achievers
  • Children who want more than the Traditional School System.

Besides that, Connect also caters to the needs of those that:

  • Believe that there is better education for their children
  • Believe that learning is not memorizing
  • Want their child to be prepared for tomorrow
  • Want their child to develop emotional intelligence, resilience, empathy, and creativity
  • Want their child to respect and understand other cultures, religions, and beliefs
  • Believe that they too can grow and improve as parents
  • Believe that respect for nature should be developed from an early age
  • Are looking for, besides a school, a learning community close to the family
  • Want an education today thinking about the future

Exams do nothing more than reward memorization, not comprehension. Memorizing is not learning. At Connect, evaluation is done individually and privately through projects developed by students in collaboration with a tutor.

Through these projects it will be possible to analyze the development of the learner, dealing with one in the most diverse areas using techniques that allow him or her to assimilate and learn the various themes much faster and more effectively.

The evaluation is based on the child’s development, based on monitoring, observation, and recording of the developed activities, as well as their attitudes;

  1. The assessment of the child’s learning will be the reference for the tutor’s reporting of learning.
  2. Assessments can be done in writing, in the form of reports, portfolios, projects, consultations in the virtual library, research and homework, or others that the instructor considers more appropriate;

Open Learning School caters to children and young people across various age groups, ranging from early childhood to adolescence. Our educational programs are designed to meet the developmental needs of each age group.

Absolutely! Open Learning School ensures a smooth transition for students to regular schools or universities. Our curriculum aligns with national and international standards, and students have the opportunity to take recognized exams such as Pearson and Cambridge, ensuring global recognition of their education.

Open Learning School recognizes the importance of social and emotional development in students. Our curriculum includes activities and exercises that promote self-awareness, empathy, and emotional intelligence. We create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students can thrive emotionally and socially.

To enroll your child at Open Learning School, please visit our website and fill out the enrollment form. Our admissions team will guide you through the process and provide any necessary information. We look forward to welcoming your child to our vibrant learning community!

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